What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about a memorable hospitality experience? ⚡
Did you notice that the first thing that came to mind was either a very favourable experience or one that was memorable for all the wrong reasons?
It's safe to say we remember the times where we've been on the receiving end of one extreme or the other. For obvious reasons, those memories just seem to stick like coffee residue on an unclean machine.
Fact of the matter is, customers do remember hospitality experiences, just think about how often you recommend a place to others. When you consider the factors that make an experience memorable, it's safe to assume the big ticket items are the quality of service, food and drink, and of course, the efficiency of service. But what makes an experience actually stand out and make an impact? It's the attention to detail within these core pillars. Here's what we mean:
Quality ✅
You may have heard us talk about a few topics like the importance of using a milk cleaner, culprits for underwhelming machine performance and the benefits of cleaning, and no, we don't just lecture for fun, there's some critical reasons why (disclaimer: based on a true story):
In most restaurant/café settings, you're pumping out coffees non-stop, so we always recommend you give your machine a clean during pack-down every day. But, there's no point in attempting to give your machine TLC with an unsatisfactory product, so investing in quality is a must. If you don't, you seriously run the risk of serving your customers an underwhelming or bitterly tasting coffee, or even worse, milk deposits that could make people sick (and yes, it's definitely happened before).
Enough about the negatives, let's give you some solutions - Take MFC Blue as an example, with its double action formula, it sanitises the milk system as it cleans, killing common bacteria associated with milk. This means it's looking after your customers and the machine, two birds with one stone!
Keen for another example? A critical factor in perfecting your espresso is grinder dosage. Studies show that regular grinder cleaning prolongs its lifespan as it maintains the speed and burr temperature consistency. That's where Cafetto Grinder Clean comes in - it cleans burrs and casings, extending the lifespan. What's even better? It requires zero disassembling of the machine, so it fits in perfectly with implementing an efficient daily cleaning routine.
While we're on the topic, here's another FYI for you: the quality of the coffee you serve is only as good as the tools used to clean the machine - let that sink in. Luckily, we've known a thing or two about this for some time. Cafetto products are manufactured and tested in line with a number of stringent global certification standards, including quality and environmental standards such has ISO 9001, ISO 4001, ISO 22000 and HAACP.

The cherry on top? We go the extra mile to handle all manufacturing, formulation testing and compliance control in-house to give every user 100% assurance and peace of mind in the products before you've even put them to use, that's the Cafetto promise. Now that we've covered a bit on quality, let's see how that links with:
Efficiency 🏃💨
No, this isn't just about getting things done quickly, it's about perfecting that balance of delivering quality in an efficient, timely manner that gives you a solid unique point of difference. And believe us, it's easier said than done.
The secret recipe to achieving this balance is about understanding your end people, both consumers and employees. We weren't kidding when we said "A product for every situation", and that's why every Cafetto product is developed with the same goal - products that give you ease of use and seriously deliver.
A big part of this is combating the stigma that giving your machine the right clean goes hand in hand with having a deep understanding of its many complexities. Not our style - we'd rather give outstanding solutions to everyone. Here's why: ask yourself, is it realistic to expect all people working with coffee to understand the ins and outs of the machine? No. But luckily, we do. That's why we've kept our end people in mind when formulating quality products. What happens when you achieve this balance? You also achieve a cleaning routine that's quick, simple, and thorough. Trust us, we've given it more thought than you may think, here's a few examples how:
Found on all our labels are pictograms. Most people are visual learners, and pictograms reimagine education with the use of quick, visual cues that make cleaning simpler than ever:

Speaking of convenient, how about some tablet cleaning that takes all the guess work out of portion control with dosage already sorted for you? With over 30 tablet range products - that's one way to reimagine efficiency, especially as a mid-service solution.
Or, how about some sachet cleaning to optimise the cleaning process? We'd be happy to prescribe something to cater that too.
Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg, but understanding the intricate details are what forms the scope for creating that unique customer experience. Our philosophy is to take care of these details and provide them to you, so you can continue delivering more of what makes your business reputable.
Learn more about us here: https://www.cafetto.com/events 👈